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Recent Projects

Planning Permission Obtained for New Dwellings in Saham Toney

Small Fish recently took over an extremely challenging case in Breckland, which had been languishing in the planning system for years, having been refused and dismissed at appeal. All of the issues relating to the previous reasons for refusal were dealt with through the revised application, which was approved by Breckland's Planning Committee in October . 

Four New Dwellings Approved in Tharston

Small Fish has obtained planning permission for a landowner in  Tharston, just outside of the development boundary, despite the Norwich Policy Area's housing supply being in excess of five years. Planners at South Norfolk had previously rejected the idea of a single dwelling in this location, but Small Fish presented a solid case for permitted four dwellings, obtaining approval at South Norfolk's Planning Committee in June. 

Construction and Demolition Waste Recycling Facility Approved in North Norfolk

Working with an existing sand and gravel operator, Small Fish worked with the landowner and operator to expand the operational offering to successfully obtain planning permission for a construction and demolition waste recycling facility in North Norfolk. 

Nine New Dwellings in Blofield Heath

In early 2018, Small Fish obtained a valuable permission for nine new detached dwellings in Blofield Heath - a small village in Broadland. All of the dwellings will be single storey to meet the needs of elderly or disabled local residents and two will provide much needed affordable housing in the village. 

Residential Development in Green Belt

Small Fish recently obtained planning permission for five new dwellings on a brownfield site within the designated Green Belt in North Warwickshire. The development will replace an existing industrial site, providing high quality housing in a residential neighbourhood and leading to an overall improvement in the quality and character in the neighbourhood, as well as a reduction in HGV traffic.

New Factory in North Norfolk

Small Fish has successfully secured planning permission for a new factory in North Norfolk, which will create jobs for local residents, improve the appearance of an existing industrial site and benefit the local economy. 

12 New Dwellings Receive Approval in Postwick

In March, Small Fish obtained a valuable permission for 12 new detached dwellings in Postwick - a small village in Broadland with no development boundary on the basis of a lack of a five year housing supply in the Norwich Policy Area. Four of the dwellings will provide affordable housing designed to meet the needs of elderly or disabled local residents. 

Poringland Neighbourhood Plan

Small Fish are pleased to be working in conjunction with Parker Planning Services on the emerging Poringland Neighbourhood Plan. We will be providing policy reviews and recommendations, legislative compliance services, and undertaking Strategic Environmental Assessment work on this plan, and look forward to working with the Parish Council in the coming months to help produce a plan which reflects the planning needs of this North Norfolk community. 

Residential Planning: Breckland Planning Appeal Won Outside Development Boundary

Small Fish has recently won a 5 year housing supply related planning appeal for a new residential dwelling in Breckland on a site outside the development boundary for the village. Despite the planning officer at the council refusing it on the grounds that the harm to protected trees, the rural landscape gap, and the site's parkland and woodland setting would ‘significantly and demonstrably’ outweigh the benefits, we were able to persuade the Inspector through detailed written representations that these impacts were unfounded and that there was indeed no harm likely to arise from the development. 

Yaxham Neighbourhood Plan

Yaxham's Neighbourhood Plan was recently adopted after a resounding success in the local referendum, following on from a successful independent examination. Small Fish worked closely with the Parish Council and local residents to develop a Neighbourhood Plan to reflect the needs of this community and its local environment and will help to protect it from inappropriate growth and development. 


Lawful Development Certificate Obtained for Rare Waste Storage Facility

Small Fish were thrilled to have been granted a Lawful Development Certificate for a waste storage site in Broadland. We took the case on from another planning consultant after the initial application was refused and reworked the application to focus specifically on relevant case law and legal definitions, and boosted this with additional evidence, resulting in a Lawful Development Certificate for construction and green waste near the NDR in Broadland.  

© 2019 by Small Fish.                                                                     01603 446 075

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